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This information explains how you can claim for your expenses if you are being tested to be a living donor. People should not be put off from donating a kidney because of any concerns about money.

If I you having tests to be a kidney donor what expenses can you claim for?

It It is possible to claim for the following:

• Loss of earnings
• Travel expenses
• Hospital car parking
• Other expenses, for example child care, animal care, will be considered. It is important for you to discuss any other expenses with the Living Donor Coordinators in advance.

Can I claim loss of earnings if I am in employment?

In some cases, your employer may support you in being a donor and pay you in full while you are off sick. If this is the case, you cannot claim for loss of earnings.

It may be that:

• You receive full pay at first but after a few weeks only receive statutory sick pay or
• Only get statutory sick pay

Would loss of overtime be paid?

Overtime payments would be considered if they are a regular part of your income.

What happens if I am self-employed?

If you are self-employed you can claim for loss of earnings. Proof of your gross income will be needed (for example, a copy of the income and expenses page of your tax return). Any payments that you do get are liable for tax and should be declared on tax earnings.

What happens if I am not employed?

You can make a claim for your personal expenses and any benefits you may lose while you are unfit to work.

What documents will I need to send with my claim?

• 3 months pay slips from before your operation. These should be originals and not photocopies.

• Employer’s letter stating level of financial support during the period off work, or payslips that show how much you have been paid while you have been off sick.

• If you are self-employed, your most recent statement of earnings from the tax office or a letter from your accountant.

• Travel documents:
– Rail, bus tickets etc
– Car park tickets

• Mileage. The amount you can claim depends on:
– Number of appointments you have attended
– Distance travelled
(The Living Donor Coordinators will discuss this with you in more detail)
• Completed and signed claim form.

What is the maximum I can claim for?
In the majority of cases, a maximum of £5000 can be claimed, although each claim will be assessed individually.

When can I submit my claim form?

The claim can be submitted either:

• once your operation date has been set.

• or once you are told that you are not suitable to be a living donor.

Please give your completed expenses form to the Living Donor Coordinators and you can discuss any queries you have with them.

All claims must be submitted within 4 weeks.

If you claim before your operation and your period of sickness is longer than the claim time, you can make another claim which will be considered.

If How long will it take for my claim to be paid?

It usually takes about 6 weeks to process your claim. You will only be paid when you have had the operation.

Your claim will be delayed if:

• Your form is not filled in correctly
• Your form is not signed
• You have not included the documents to support your claim - for example a letter from your employer, tax returns if you are self employed
• Not calculated what your loss of earnings will be
• Not filled out the dates of your appointments
• You hand your expenses form in late (after the operation)
• If there are any questions about your claim
If you have concerns about how soon you will get your expenses paid please talk to the Living Donor Coordinators.

Can my recipient pay my expenses?

No. Your recipient or their family cannot pay your expenses as this may be seen as an incentive to donate and this is illegal in the UK.

How will the claim be paid?

You will receive a cheque in the post your Living Donor Coordinators will give you more information on payment details.

Can I make a claim if I am an overseas donor?

Yes, claims will be considered from overseas donors, for example cost of flights and loss of earnings. In some cases reasonable accommodation costs may be claimed. Again, any claims must be made within four weeks as above.

Where do I get the claim form?

You will be given a claim form by the Living Donor Co-ordinators at the start of the tests.

If you have any questions, concerns or need help to fill in the form, please discuss these with the Living Donor Coordinators at any of your appointments.

You can read the full NHS England policy - see link below:

Download this information in PDF

Updated June 2023

The National Kidney Federation cannot accept responsibility for information provided. The above is for guidance only. Patients are advised to seek further information from their own doctor.